Dear Villa Fontaine Homeowner

We’re excited to share with you that Pernicano Realty & Management has recently chosen Mutual of Omaha Bank as our new banking partner for the communities we manage. The decision to move to a new banking partner is taken very seriously; and we felt that Mutual of Omaha Bank’s commitment to our industry along with their state-of-the-art lockbox facility made them the best fit. Best of all, our partnership with Mutual of Omaha Bank will provide additional benefits to your community!

Villa Fontaine Homeowners Association will be switched to Mutual of Omaha effective 01/01/2020.

You now have the following three ways to make your monthly association assessment payment:

  1. 1)  Return your payment in the envelope enclosed with your monthly statement (please do not include any other items with your check as it is sent to a processing center).

  2. 2)  Set up your monthly payments with a bill pay service through your bank.
    You will need to notify your provider with the new mailing address for remittance:

  3.     Villa Fontaine Homeowners Association c/o Pernicano Realty & Management
  1.       PO Box 98102

  2.       Phoenix, AZ 85038-0102

  1. 3) Online at  by check or credit card. E-check is free.

  2. If you choose to pay by credit card, a convenience fee will apply. Payment can be made on a one-time basis or set up for recurring payments. 

ACH/autopay will now be available exclusively through Mutual Pay Property Pay. You will need to register online prior to January 1, 2020 using the Management ID of 3586 and Association ID of 115. You will also need your account number found on your monthly coupons.

For those homeowners who are currently on ACH/autopay through Paylease, your autopay will be cancelled on 12.23.2019.

We are very excited with this change and look forward to providing you and the association with new and exciting improvements!

Please contact Daniel Dizon at or 619.906.5230 with any questions.

Pernicano Realty & Management Inc.

December 06, 2019

Homeowners With Paperless (Email) Delivery Of Their Monthly HOA Dues Statement:
  • On the email, click on the link "Click here to view your document"
  • Once the statement appears, click on the right arrow for page 2 (and page 3)
  • You can now view the most recent VF newsletter, the "Villa Fontaine Bulletin" (Note: when statements have only one page, there will be no arrows to click on and the Bulletin will not appear that month)
                      Upcoming  Events                                            
Next VF Condo Association Board Meeting:
The next meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.
                              Please Remember:
Parking —
When a resident's alloted space(s) are in use, parking must be done off site.
For these times, the cul-de-sac area on Fontaine Street is a good alternative.
Disposal of Trash —
Trash must be disposed of immediately in the disposal containers (dumpsters) provided. It is NEVER okay to store trash outside one's front door for ANY length of time. Storage of any kind, however short lived, is not allowed in any common area. Thís includes trash left outside the front door on it's way to the trash bins, misc bags, and clothing. We do not have custodial services on staff, so please do not discard cigarette butts and other refuse around the Common Area. Put all trash and recyclables inside the dumpsters: the refuse company will not pick up items left on the outside of the containers. To conserve space in the dumpsters, break down all boxes and bulky items.
Water Conservation —
We are all aware of the severe drought California is experiencing; as a result we are constantly reminded to conserve water....Villa Fontaine is in compliance with landscape irrigation restrictions and does not allow car washing inside the complex. You can help conserve water by these simple steps:
  • Replace old water guzzling toilets with new "high-efficiency" models. These are the latest low-flush toilets and use only 1.28 gallons (or less) per flush, as opposed to 1.6 gallons in toilets from the 1990's and 2000's, or 3.5 (to as much as 7) gallons from the 1980s and prior. 
  • Limit showers to 5 minutes
  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth
  • Don’t let the water run when hand-washing dishes
  • Use the dishwasher or washing machine only when you have a full load